Couples Appointments

• Guidance and support with re-occurring issues.
• Gain understanding and clarity.
• Learn how to communicate in a more loving way.
• Heal and clear misunderstandings.
• Learn new ways of creating happiness.

Appointments with couples are welcome whether in a clairvoyant reading, a counselling session, and an integrated session or with a mentoring package.

There are times when a relationship can get a little of track, or a couple may be looking to enhance connection together. I use the counselling training with my intuitive abilities and see what the cause for a disconnection in a relationship. Once seeing this, an explanation of what is happening and how it is effecting the relationship is given. Doing this allows both people to have a clearer understanding of the situation, and how it can be resolved.

Throughout the appointment, I will clear and heal energetic aspects of the issues to reduce the occurrence of them repeating. Throughout a session a fluctuation between working with each person individually, and as a couple will occur.

The sessions may also involve different practices or techniques that can assist in creating more harmony in the relationship.

For more information and details, contact David for a free 15 minute consultation.