Crystal Energy Healings

• A combination of crystal and energetic healing.
• Release old restrictions and life patterns.
• Heal blockages around abundance, relationships, employment and family.
• Align and balance the body’s energy systems.
• Cleanse and rejuvenate the body’s aura.

I uses crystals during healings when available. Using crystals throughout a healing, can increase the strength of a treatment. I have trained for use of crystal healing, when it is and not appropriate to use crystals. With some conditions and treatments it is better to not crystals as it may be more harmful than beneficial.

Crystals may be laid on top of a person in particular areas to assist with the transference of energy to a person body.
Crystals can be used in both in person and absent healings. The Energy transferred does not recognise space or time and the person being healed will receive the full benefit no matter where they are on the planet.

For more information about crystal healing contact David; all details are in the contact page.