
David John is an exceptional reader and healer. Spot on with everything that came up, would recommend him to anyone


I am currently on holidays and I always wanted a psychic reading but never got the time to get to one, but today I had one and he was amazing! Knew what I needed in my life, helped me see that I have so many positive people not physically but also spiritually, I also recently had a death in the family last year, and I did not have to tell him about it, and he knew straight away it was about my Nanna.


David is a truly gifted psychic, his abilities to tune to the psychic realm are remarkable and enlightening. He’s so personable and a delight to have a reading by him. Thanks David!;) – Vanessa

My reading was with David John who was authentic and caring. He gave me supportive guidance from my guides which will help me to establish plans in the immediate future. I recommend that if you want an intelligent and inspired reading this man is for you.


I was feeling very lost and was unable to get any clarity for my situation. This started affecting my physically i could not eat and was afraid. After one reading and healing off David I felt all this negative, stressed, fearful energy leave me and my appetite immediately
returned. David is incredibly gifted, not only did he give me amazing techniques for me to practice to stay clear, grounded and protected, he was also able to get insight into my situation by connecting to my guides and deceased loved ones. Anyone needing help, healing, insight, guidance – highly recommend this dude! Thank you David!


Wow, wow, wow! I saw Dave for a healing yesterday and it was nothing short of amazing. He was so accurate in his reading and gave me such a deep level of insight into many areas of my life. He also spoke to me about things that were new information to me but helped other pieces of the puzzle fall into place. His calm demeanour, empathy and compassion made me feel completely comfortable. Please, do yourself a favour and book a session with him – you’ll be completely blown away!


To say David is spot on seems like an understatement. My home feels so wonderful after he cleansed it and the message I received was just what I needed to hear xx thank you David xx


  1. My time with David was beautiful, an amazing experience. I have been given tools to work with which I am so grateful for. Connecting to my spirit guides and angels has given me the helping hand to strive forward. What a blast, happy. I recommend taking the leap of faith and have a session with David. There are many blessings available to you.


  2. I’ve had a few sessions with David and he is truly a gifted healer and a rare human being with extraordinary psychic and healing abilities that words can’t describe. With an instant connection and knowingness, David is someone that instantly captures and connects your past, present and future paths and enables a fast activation of healing, clearing and connection to insure you are completely equipped, strengthened and aligned in your power to move ahead with clarity. I highly recommend having a session with David whether you are needing guidance or healing. I will forever be grateful for being introduced to David.

    Sophie Robson

  3. I went to see David because I was feeling lost. I didn’t know what I was doing with my life, what I should be doing, and generally was feeling unbalanced, unheard and unloved. Immediately when I met David, he provided me with such a warm, loving and safe space to just be me. He welcomed me and understood me. He heard me and healed me in so many ways. He reminded me of just how special I am and how powerful I am. He brought awareness to the fact that life ebbs and flows and trying to resist that and trying to control every single moment was only causing me more stress. He is truly such a special, beautiful soul and every time I’m feeling a bit off track I listen to our session and it empowers me to be my best self. I have nothing but love and admiration for David and I recommend him to anyone who is going through a rough patch in their lives or even if you just need a bit of guidance. He is Yoda.

    Maraya Silan

  4. I shan’t forget the analogy of the salad sandwich versus eating oats every day – it’s about seeing that there are other things out there in the world. There is even more than a salad sandwich! It was a very interesting, thought provoking little bit I will remember that can be used as a practical guidance tool even.

    David’s method is pretty powerful; bringing his client to the forefront of the session and blending it with spiritual connections that he is also able to perceive and bring mutual awareness to. A very unique style. Thank you!

    Liam Arnott

  5. The phone line is clearly no barrier to connecting with David! And what a connection! I am so thankful to David for sharing his gift and the respectful yet succinct manner in which he delivers the information received. The experience was of immense benefit to me and has brought great comfort to my soul. I feel more confident to walk forward on my path. I highly recommend connecting with David for any reason you feel. And don’t be afraid to do it remotely. It is clear that physical locality plays no part.
    It is without hesitation that I will look to connect with David again in future.

    Thank you David!


  6. David you helped me so much today clarifying some things I have felt stuck on and felt guilty about letting go. I loved the fun way we worked together today and found you to be non judgemental and very supportive and loving.
    I had to laugh at the beginning when my guides clarified almost word for word what I had asked for before this reading. You had said that it would makes sense to me what they were saying.
    I have had readings in the past and consider this one to be the best. Thankyou David.
    I now feel I have more direction and feel uplifted to continue forward.


  7. Wow David was absolutely so in tune with giving me clarity around questions I had. He was able to tell me about things that he couldn’t have known. He was very patient, kind and caring and put so much into perspective for me in a simple easy to understand way.
    Even though it was over the phone, the recording has been great as I can listen to a bit at a time and absorb it as there was so much amazing information to take in for which I am truly grateful.
    I would absolutely highly recommend David for any readings. Thank you so much ?


  8. I met David recently and was blown away at how 100% accurate he was. He truly is a kind, caring & honest person and made me feel welcome & comfortable. I felt a weight had been lifted when I left and I can’t thank him enough for helping me through my journey. I am so grateful for his guidance and understanding. He is an angel and I highly recommend him. I will definitely see him again.


  9. David is an amazingly talented medium and healer. He is always very helpful and insightful and I would recommend him to anyone ???


  10. Thanks to David’s amazing ability to “tap into” the heart of the matter and clear up a lot of personal doubts I’ve been having for way too long now. In just one session he has clarified a lot of my inner feelings—Just what I needed , to get me back in track to where I really need to be.
    Sometimes, we all need clarification that what we are feeling is not crazy or impossible to believe.
    I am so very grateful to David, for reassuring me about what I need to do in regard for myself, in regard to family issues —and personal issues too—then for him to put it all into perspective for me so I could understand better what was happening to me and ultimately, what to do about it.
    Do yourself a favour and treat yourself to a one-on-one reading with David. You won’t regret it!

    Toni Wass

  11. David is an amazing talented reader who naturally makes you feel comfortable. David has given me so much insight into my life and was very specific and accurate with many aspects of my myself and months of where I have had big changes . I have a new sense of being and direction and feeling much more in tune with myself and my surroundings moving forward into my True inner self.
    Thank you for the clarity and support. Very grateful ???✨


  12. David thank you so much for the change you have helped me achieve. Your open heart, intuition and skills have made a huge difference and I look forward to continuing to grow with your guidance.


  13. David delivered the most amazing & insightful reading. He helped me gain clarity about many things that were going on in my life and tuned into my energy of my family and past life.
    Everything he said was very in depth and made total sense. It was a very positive, light and uplifting experience.
    David is just so generous, kind, gentle and loving. I highly recommend him.♥️

    Millie Mae

  14. Had my first session and got so much out of it. David is so welcoming and warm, straightforward and uplifting.

    I arrived for my appointment full of worry and stress, feeling exhausted and pulled in a hundred different directions, but left feeling grounded and renewed and knowing I’m on the right track.

    He gave me many insights into my own path of healing and growth, and great advice on my abilities and how to move forward with them.

    I’ll look forward to continuing to work with David in the future.

    Thanks again!


  15. Don’t be fooled by David’s relaxed and casual demeanour. His “clear sight” is zoom lens quality and he carries with it a toolbox filled to the brim with wisdom and healing techniques that pop in magically when required.
    Like a switchboard operator, David flicks a switch to bring in crystal clear clarity, another to lift an oppressive load and yet another zapps a pain out of existence.
    Importantly, David works with great care and integrity.
    Warning! If you have been carrying a pain, physical or otherwise for a very long time, be sure you’re ready to give it the flick. He will!
    With Gratitude and Appreciation


  16. Awesome session with David! He put me at ease almost immediately and the energy and insights he shared are a true gift. I was in a pretty low place before the session but he helped put context and clarity around this, with a bit of reading and a bit of healing, and left me feeling so much brighter, energetic and more passionate about my life. His warmth, energy and generosity are contagious! It definitely had a lasting effect on me. I can’t wait to work more with David.


  17. My session with David was amazing and insightful – He gave me clarity and validation. I would 110% recommend him and look forward to another session in the future.
    Thank you David, you are truly gifted and an awesome human being! 🙂


  18. I enjoyed working with David. He has great energy and was able to bring a lot of clarity and depth to the reading. He offered practical ways of clearing energetic patterns from past lives and brought many insights to my awareness. He has a warm voice that immediately makes you feel at ease and supported. Many thanks David ?? Sovhe


  19. David has a very strong connection with the spirit world, at the same time he is a very down to earth, caring, lovely, wonderful and helpful person. I have over 5 years experience seeing psychics and David is truly one of the very best. After my session, I was astounded by some of his incredible insights into my life situation. Spot on and so accurate. Wow. Simply incredible. I am deeply grateful for the privilege and blessings to come across him. David is a truly amazing and very gifted psychic reader. Thank you so much, David !!!.


  20. Thank you David for providing a relaxed and welcoming space, A place to explore life with curiosity, laughter and tears. Your kindness, psychic wisdom and great sensitivity have brought insight, understanding, surprise and awareness to past and present, with some thought provoking reflection ahead.


  21. My meeting with David was fantastic! As he is doing a Psychic Medium reading he is also healing you at the same time. He has a calm, lovely and chilled energy and makes you feel comfortable to be around. I felt really light after the reading and gained lots of insight, tools and clarity. I could have talked to David all day.


  22. Ready to.live your best slices of life. Look no further.
    David John is creative, connected and so resourceful. Life changing for certain.
    Thank you sincerely
    David ? from David

    Donna Eichmann

  23. An incredible experience. It has been a long long time since I have received such guidance of wisdom love and truth. Truth was received from the higher realms and tools given in order to heal. Dave has such a beautiful rare powerful gift. A very unique experience that has assisted me greatly on my journey. Thank you ???


  24. David emanates love and sensitivity and an authentic return to self, his readings are spot on and you leave his presence feeling lighter with renewed vision. Thank you David:)


  25. I have had some incredible sessions with Dave. He is so easy to talk to and has been able to pinpoint where my issues are stemming from and uses a variety of healing tools to help me move past them. He is so positive and after a lot of both laughing and crying I leave feeling inspired and empowered. Every time I have been amazed at how spot on Dave has been, he truly is a gifted soul ? highly recommend!


  26. I just love working with Dave – he has a real gift in the work he does. Love that he has the great different modalities that all blend so beautifully together to help on many levels. We always have a good laugh too and his grounded, no fuss attitude makes you feel really at ease and open to share and heal..
    Thanks so much Dave for sharing you wonderful gifts with us – has made a huge difference for me ???

    Vanessa Patterson

  27. Before the reading I was a bit sceptical if I should do one or not … because my previous experience with someone else was not very good, in fact it was very disempowering … but with David it was luckily very much the opposite. He is very kind, loving, open, straight forward, honest and non judgmental in his readings and it was also quite funny… which I liked because to me healing doesn’t have always to be serious. He was spot on about how I feel and what is going on in my life. He helped me to bring more clarity in my life and about my next steps. It was also good to get confirmation in certain ares that I was unsure about. At the end I really felt more clear, at ease and empowered about my life and myself. I would definitely recommend a reading with him and I will for sure come back 🙂
    Thank you so much!


  28. David is an amazing man! Loved every bit of my reading! Highly recommend, he’s unlike many you will find! 10 stars from Alex


  29. I was so grateful to have been referred to Dave. I felt comfortable, safe and like I could be open to so many new possibilities. He has an awesome vibe, and is such a genuine and honest guy, but in the best kind of way. I would and will recommend him to people, after just one session I am feeling so much lighter and aware. I look forward to further sessions, and bringing out the best me .


  30. I am very grateful to have a session with David, who was able to give me deep, accurate insight into my life and health challenges and very helpful, wise advice. David has his client’s interest at heart. I think he is one of the best psychic readers in Australia. His psychic reading insights certainly changes my life and outlook. I highly recommend his services,
    as it is very rare to come across someone as gifted as David.


  31. Had a half hour phone reading today with David. He helped me realise a few important things, about myself. And how to be a better version of myself. He confirmed I’m on the correct path, of my spiritual journey, as well. And he was spot on that I have been doing this work, since 2020. He helped me realise that even with 10 minutes a day, of meditation. It would help me immensely.


  32. David John helps me whenever I can’t help myself.
    Thanks Nate ????


  33. My Zoom medium reading with David was full of valuable information from go to whoa. He really seemed to be on the pulse – totally tapped in and able to answer my questions with feedback that was so pertinent and helpful. During the session David did a short energy healing that felt powerful and effective. He is warm and friendly and there is a genuine sense of care and compassion in David’s manner. Overall, the session was a very satisfying experience. I feel that there’s no doubt that David has a real gift – one which can offer you valuable insight and guidance. Highly recommend!

    Jacqueline C.

  34. David is an amazingly gifted psychic and healer! I’d highly recommend! His connection to spirit is extremely clear and strong. He’s also very compassionate, grounded and relatable. This makes sessions enjoyable and comfortable, and the information delivered easy to understand and connect to. I’m so grateful for his guidance and support! ⭐️????????


  35. This is my third time in coming back to David and every time I am never disappointed. Every time I have reached out to him I have been at a very low point and lost. David is able to tune into the exact problem and help with breath work and guidance. He is a compassionate individual that really listens to you and hears you. I believe David will be part of my journey going forward and every experience has been exactly what I needed (even if I didn’t know it!)It has been a truly enlightening experience.


  36. “David has a lovely, warm and powerful presence. I wanted to reconnect with my childhood “guides” for a long time and have had my first session with David. He supported me on this journey to help me take the next step forward, to move out of my head and into my heart more. I now have tools to help me build the connection with my own inner guide as well. Thank you, David”.


    Kathy Moran

  37. ‘I booked in for a reading with Dave after a very good friend of mine told me he was the best psychic she has ever had a reading from. I knew very soon into the phone reading that my friend was not exaggerating. Not only is Dave a highly gifted and accurate reader, but he comes from a truly beautiful heart space, taking genuine pleasure in passing on the most profound messages. Dave’s connection to Spirit is like no other and he has the unusual gift of making you also feel that true link with Spirit.’

    Fiona Fergurson

  38. I had the pleasure of being part of David’s psychic development and vibrational healing course earlier this year.
    I was looking for a short course to help me brush up on my skills and reconnect with my Spirit guides and the universal realms in a conscious way. David’s course gave me the confidence I needed and the very important base structure required to continue on my journey in healing and refreshed the important skills and processes to stay safe, protected and grounded whilst working with Spirit and/or Universal energy.
    David’s knowledge and clear connection with his guides is extraordinary, offering amazing guidance and clarity.
    I had heaps of fun with a great bunch of like-minded people. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is new or experienced in their journey.
    Thanks, David.

    Uki Fox

  39. David John gave me an insightful & healing session, in which I will certainly continue working with him on a two weekly to monthly basis…
    Many things have opened up to me, only within a few short days, as a result of our session…
    It was deeply insightful & clearing , with the moving of old energy , into a new supportive uplifting phase, it was just Fabulous ????????????
    I also found it was as powerful online, as it would have been in person…

    Toni Parmar

  40. ‘David is incredibly kind and attentive, wise and the session felt powerful but light. It was a wonderful process to go through. I feel empowered and peaceful now and I look forward to applying my learnings from today. Thank you, David!’


    Nicola Taylor

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